Site amenities are an important part of your playspace.

Having play equipment with high play value is a good start, but site amenities can complete your play space. You can implement any of the below items in order to make it possible for people to thoroughly enjoy their time at your space.

  • Waste receptacles - Give people a place to deposit their trash, so you don’t have to have your staff cleaning up after them.

  • Seating - Parents, teachers, and caregivers appreciate having someplace to relax while the kids are playing.

  • Tables - Kids can take a break for lunch, drinks, or snacks. Also a great spot for the adults to hang out.

  • Shade - During sunny, hot weather, shade is a vital part of your space, giving kids and adults a place to cool off. Especially helpful for special needs patrons.

  • Planters - If you have a patio or similar space, planters can bring green into the environment.