Liberty Parks and Playgrounds

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PTA woes? Maybe you can change that!

Like the look of new equipment, but don’t have the funds? The Parent Teacher Association is an important resource for your school, but getting parents involved can be a difficult task. And once involved, how do you get them to participate in fundraising? That’s the challenge; unfortunately there is no magic formula. However, some ideas are listed below to aid you in your efforts.

One of the biggest challenges is communicating to your parents about the existence of the PTA and how to join or attend meetings. That being the case, make sure it’s as easy as possible to learn about your organization. You can post information on the school website, make sure there are flyers available around the school, and send information home with the kids for their parents to review. What information? Glad you asked. Make sure you give contact info for your members, maybe pictures of them so parents will recognize them, with a plea for parental assistance. List your meetings, events, any email addresses to facilitate contact, and give a synopsis on your PTA plan for the school. Let them know what you want to do and how they can help get it done.

Once your info is out there, try to get in touch directly. One good way to accomplish that would be to build an online group to allow easy communication with each other to simplify coordination of efforts, whether in an event or a fundraiser. You could use the online group base to distribute updates on a regular basis in order to boost interest in your current progress toward your existing goals, with a focus on accomplishments. Compliment your members on success, and encourage them to continue, and to reach their friends/neighbors/associates and enlist more help.

When you have your base formed, give them the support to explore their own fundraising ideas, and then make sure you follow through with each idea. People enjoy being appreciated for their success, so make the most of each attempt and encourage your members for all their efforts.

Give people a chance to take ownership of PTA goals and you may be surprised at what they can accomplish!