Four Fundamentals for Inclusive Playground Design: Part 2


In this installment we’ll explore the idea of encouraging all children to play. It’s disappointing to see a child sitting to the side of a playground watching other kids at play. We want to make certain that there’s something for every kid to enjoy.

First, we want to provide a graduated range of challenges in order to appeal to kids of all ages and abilities. Take a look at the playground pictured; there is an Inclusive Whirl, an Alta Glide, a Pull Along, ramps to decks with activity panels, freestanding panels including musical activities, and even inclusive tables when it’s time to take a break. Any child, no matter age or ability, can find something to enjoy here.

Second, note how similar equipment is grouped together; this invites a child looking for one activity to try similar activities. In forming groups, one successful approach is to have three graduated levels of challenge: one easy, one difficult, and one in between. This promotes peer learning by giving children a chance to play together.

Finally, we look to provide real play choices with a high play value to children with mobility challenges. The Inclusive Whirl and Alta Glide are easily accessible by wheel chair, and allow all children to enjoy activity regardless of differences of ability. If you’d like us to give you some ideas for expanding your play area’s accessibility, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist!