Liberty Parks and Playgrounds

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Did you know?

According to the CDC website:

Boys more often sustain playground-related traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) compared to girls.

Most children who are treated for playground-related TBIs are 5 to 9 years of age.

Playground-related TBIs varied by age group and equipment type:

0-4 year olds are often injured on swings and slides.

5-9 year olds are often injured on swings, monkey bars, and climbing equipment.

10-14 year olds are often injured on swings, monkey bars, and climbing equipment.

5 to 14 year olds sustain TBIs more frequently at school.

Playground injuries are a common occurrence; however, the rate and extent of injury occurrence can be reduced by following some simple steps. In order to reduce the possibility of injury, it is imperative to keep the playground maintained properly. Regular inspections are an important part of maintenance. The surfacing also requires periodic examination to be certain that the impact absorbing properties are not reduced; mulch depth and compaction are both areas to review on a regular basis. If you have any questions, shoot us an email! We’re always happy to help!